Sunday, December 4, 2016

Magic of 1089 with Vedic Mathematics

Let's explore the magic of 1089

This cool math trick would turn you into a magician (Shh! only till your friends also know this :-))

Here is the math trick you need to play with your friends. Why dont you play along as you read. Take a pencil and paper and let us begin with this cool math trick.

I can guess the final answer of all the following steps for any number your guess. And the answer would be 1089!

Isn't it a cool math trick? Enjoy fooling your friends and also think about the reason why any three digit number if passed through following fives steps would give the same result?

The hint to understand logic behind this cool math trick is - "when you reverse a three digit number, tenths place digit would be unmoved and the hundredth and unit would change places".
  1. Please write down any three digits number with decreasing digits. (i.e. 543 or 875, you can also use the number which have zeroes in their tenth or unit place)
  2. Reverse the number you wrote in #1. (If you presumed number with zeros either in tenth or unit or both places, the number you would get in this step would not necessarily be a three digit number)
  3. Subtract the number obtained in #2 from the number you wrote in #1 (Please note, because number in #1 was with digits decreasing, the number got in #2 would be lower)
  4. Reverse the number obtained in #3 (The digits of the subtraction received in #3 to be written in reverse order. Please note, in both the reversals, tenths place digit would be unmoved and the hundredth and unit would change places)
  5. Add the numbers found in #3 and #4
Isn't it a cool math trick?

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